Monday 21 March 2016

The Neutral

I am not a spiritual teacher, but once I was reading a book and it made me wonder.
'What in the world is zero?'
is it the ultimate master of peace? The emptiness, the nothingness, the 'neutral'?
To answer this question we must first think ourselves. When are we most at peace, after doing what activities do we feel at peace?
But before that, another thing, like in a P.S. kind of moment. We only have peace when we are doing what we are doing, when we are instilled in it perfectly, whenever we are focusing on it, when we are in the moment. In other words, we get peace, when whatever we are doing we do religiously, with the utmost focus.
Getting back to the point, what are the activities that we do religiously so that we obtain peace, albeit for a short amount of time?
Let us take some universal examples, taking a dump after holding it for a really long time, peeing, having our favourite food items, having a good time with friends, watching a good movie, listening to good music, having sex, kissing, etc. etc.
Now, take a moment to really think what we think about while doing these activities, do we start worrying about our tensions, our future plans or our past failures?
We just revel in the moment, focus on the activity at hand, live the moment, and sometimes, we just let it happen.
In other words, we are not really thinking, we are just letting it happen, we commit ourselves fully to the activity, with minimum activity of the mind and let the body take control of the mind.
Can I say with utmost certainty that while doing said activities we think 'nothing'?
In other words, we live in the 'neutral' for that particular time period, and what do we feel after that.
Inner peace.
The one thing we long for, well, at least for some time.
Now think of what ancient yogis did when they meditated for thousands of years….yes, thousands!!!!
Well, at least they say that! They thought, nothing, they just focused on their  breathing pattern, sitting cross-legged, thinking nothing. That is how those yogis achieved such high levels of focus and peace.
I'm not saying that you sit cross-legged on an Oceanside wearing nothing but a dhoti with long hair, but, my point is try being in the neutral daily for 10 minutes, it will help you a lot, trust me. Just sit on your bed at the end of the day before sleeping, close your eyes, and focus on only your breathing, that will help to think nothing, now if you were tired after your day. try going to sleep, you will have the best sleep of your life that day.
The power of the neutral is mind-boggling.

By the way, I'm not a spiritual teacher, just a normal human being, trying to make this life easy.

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