Saturday, 9 July 2016


Each morning nowadays is a call for a different thought. Every time I wake up, I feel stress-free, relaxed, you can say. I have had a one-on-one with the real psyche of the human mind, now; have been in the real world now, I must say, I didn’t learn anything new about it. It’s the same, hypocritic, deceitful, greedy, miserable, arrogant, egoistic and stupid.
What I really fail to understand is the mere concept of survival, I mean what really is the difference in between a luxury car and a normal car? It gets old after a while, trust me, and the normal car stays for long. If you want to survive then take the normal car, but no, in comes the hypocritic notion of the human mind, it won’t be as comfortable, then stop talking about survival for God’s sake!
Let me tell you something, we all can survive on a petty job, but why we cannot is because of the following reasons:
  1. Greed
  2. Ego
  3. Show-off
  4. Luxury
  5. Comfort
Now, the greed for more is forever omnipresent. We always need more, a better phone, a better home, a better car, a better bed, a better television, a better camcorder, a better media player, etc. etc. This greed leads to an evil vice which is also omnipresent, narcissism. Now, mind it, it is also a psychological disorder, but now, it can be seen in almost everyone, all the time, everyone only cares about one person- ‘ME’.
Ego, the one word which is the mother lode, the father of all evils, the brother of arrogance. Also, leads to narcissism, not the same but similar, narcissistic is someone who is too self-centered, but egoistic is someone who feels the need to burden the weight of all the problems around him with his dignity, someone who just cannot face the fact, that sometimes you do lose, you cannot always win, somehow related to narcissism now, isn’t it?
Show-off, well, now you must be seeing the point! All these reasons are interconnected with each other, the need to show yourself superior can be defined as show-off, the need to show something you just bought to rub in its value to your peers, well, here it comes, EGO! Beautiful, isn’t it?
Now the last two are not evils, but are somehow indirectly related to the above, because these exist because of them, and they exist because of these. Confused? I’m not. Luxury and comfort, can you see now? Luxury is something which can be portrayed as majestic, mind-blowing, awesome, awe-inspiring, and comfort comes in chained with it, as whatever is luxurious, is supposed to be as comfortable as it is luxurious. Now, luxury doesn’t come cheap, therefore it needs more money(Greed), whoever can grab the most money is the best(Ego), the more luxurious you are the more you can rub it in your friends(Show-off).
See how all these are branches of just one word ruling the earth right now?
Isn’t it just bloody damn beautiful, isn’t it? The beauty of evils, the ease with which how we can orchestrate our vices, without even thinking about what they are leading to, the chain of events we are unraveling? How much we are harming each other?
No, right, you’re too concerned about your own self, you selfish pricks!
Can’t you just do one good deed? Are you that filthy? Have you drooped so low?
Try doing one good deed without any notion or thought of self-benefit, then you can feel the feeling of feeling great, of feeling truly happy.
Or if you are such a prick, that you can’t even do this, just, do one thing, stop being such a narcissistic a***ole that you are, okay? Do yoga, just be in the moment and stop thinking about yourself for some time. We, human beings were born to work together, can you do this? If not for me, not for your friend, not for a stranger, not for a colleague, not for your family, then do it for yourself. Okay. Stop thinking about yourself for just a day and just let world be and let everything happen by itself, stop trying to control the world and let go of the illusion of control.
Then you will see how beautiful you are, or how the world is.
I don’t care who feels insulted by this, as I have not mentioned any names here, feel free to do whatever you like, as this blog is free and I don’t gain anything by writing this, if someone reads and does good, then it benefits all of us.

Be the beautiful person you were meant to be, not the prick you are now, improve.


  1. Thought provoking post :) But do we want to just survive or live? (just exist or chase desires?)

    1. To chase or just exist my friend,
      That is the question ;)

  2. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.

  3. Reading this article was an experience. I enjoyed all the information you provided and appreciated the work you did in getting it written. You really did a lot of research.
