Thursday 15 January 2015

The Mad Man

There was once a mad man in the town of Delhi,
His arms looked rotten and appearance sully.
He ran across the traffic and walked in empty parks,
Amusing were his antics, his stupid little quirks.

Never, O Never would he utter  a word,
But when he awoke from his slumber like a bird
In the night, he would chatter and patter with all his might,
His lips would speak of a tragic accident that occurred some night,

The night he lost whatever he had, someone would ask,
"Were you rich?" He would nod yes, but would add another spark,
"I lost money after that tragic event, because I lost my life,
He was my hope, my happiness, the only son of my wife.

He always spoke of not attending my funeral,
Because I was what he always had big or small.
Look God listened to his prayers, did he heed,
I lost him, now nothing do I need."

As drops of agony fell across his face,
My heart dropped down from its space,
This old man had faced the unnecessary,
God had put him in a state of eternal query.

"That night", he continued, "our car had gotten hotter,
He had gone across the road to fetch me some water.
We were stuck in traffic and it was not moving,
5 minutes later I heard someone screaming.

The lifeless body of my boy was on the road,
I couldn't even moan, I ran across the traffic, forgetting all the load,
As I looked at his eyes open wide, I saw in his hands a vial,
Filled with water it was, he had been successful in this trial.

His blood spilled on the road, crimson from his head,
I lay shocked there, people thought even I was dead.
In the hospital I awoke, someone told me,
That I was alive, but my son was not anymore with me.

Every day while walking in the park,
I remember him as a child with me his childish bark,
He used to enact different animals but he loved dogs,
Ironic is life and its inactive cogs.

Earlier I used to play with him, now he is playing with me,
Earlier I was with him and he couldn't see,
Now he is with me always and I can't watch."
The man stood up and walked away with a torch.

"I'll see you later stranger, it's time for my walk,
Time to meet my son again, to see him in the park."
Crazy was the man indeed, but how was he living,

He had everything, but still he was nothing.

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